The time to decide my next job is here. I have narrowed down between two choices. The decision is between remaining in telecom and starting over. It is between a small cap company and a towering monolith. It is between a job with constant travel and a job with minimal travel. It is between Bangalore and Hyderabad. It is between slightly less money and more money. It is between slightly wobbly company and a stable one. It is between a customer side SE or a PM. It is between a VoIP company or as Bala put it �evil empire� (Obviously I don�t believe that�s true :D ). It is between a normal job and facing ridicule from my friends (Bala has already started calling me Darth Vader). It�s a tough decision and I have to make it by end of the day.
So what is your opinion? Should I go for Customer side System Engineer job in a VoIP, small cap company or go for a PM job in one of the biggest software company?
So what is your opinion? Should I go for Customer side System Engineer job in a VoIP, small cap company or go for a PM job in one of the biggest software company?