Or are we turning into a totalitarian state? Is our country so weak that we are harmed by people writing about it? Can’t our government work on real security measures (like following up leads after catching terrorists)? Haven't government leant from the past mistakes of blocking yahoo groups when blocking increased the popularity of the banned groups?
If by now you don’t know what I am talking about and you are able to read this, then you are not residing in India. Government of India in its esteemed wisdom has decided to ban 12 websites. This includes sites like Blogspot, Typepad and Geocities.
The government of India’s wise officials are defending this decision. One such wise but curious official did ask – "We would like those people to come forward who access these (the 12) radical websites and please explain to us what are they missing from their lives in the absence of these sites." So now as you have accessed one such radical website, please explain why you did such an anti-national activity.
Do these stupid government officials understand internet to make such comments? Have they even gone to blogspot or other blogging side and read through the discussions? Do they understand that these blocks can be bypassed easily?
This is direct attack on freedom of speech of the citizens. Government of the people doesn't have any right to block these sites.
Anyway, why am I ranting? As if anyone in India can read my anti-national rants.