Thank You, Bill!

Unless you were living under a rock or gone to moon for a vacation, then you must be knowing that Friday was a momentous day in the history of tech industry. BillG (that’s the way people at ‘evil empire’ address him) retired from Microsoft on Friday. It’s end of the era which made current information age possible. It’s big enough for tech blogs to debate on who can be next bill and why no one will be next Bill. Momentous enough for me to come out of my hibernation and blog again. :)

It doesn’t matter which side you are of the pro/anti Microsoft divide, you will have to agree that Bill and Microsoft have been instrumental in opening up the proprietary world of computing to one and all. By dreaming "… to put a computer on every desk and in every home" and achieving it he made it possible for the current ubiquity of computing. If we were still living in the walled garden approach of all the hardware and software manufacturers of yore, I believe we wouldn’t have seen the progress of last 20-30 years.

I wish Bill is as successful in his post retirement pursuits as he was with Microsoft and I hope that I will be at least one-tenth as successful as Bill is, at the time of my retirement. :)


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