
Some moments in life are bittersweet. Today is one such day. I am about to fly back to India. Finally it is time to say goodbye to friends I have made over last few years. I feel sad to leave them. I will miss them, but as the world is getting smaller, I hope we will meet again. Thanks Bala and Vaidy for your kind(?) words. I will miss our discussions about everything and nothing. I will specially miss the red state/blue state debates with Nishanth ;-) I will miss Joe's fundas. I will also miss mSwitch project team and the lunch gang.

Apart from friends, stuff I will miss most are my DVR (Vaidy/Bala start your jokes), NBA, Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Colbert Report and all the HBO dramas/sitcoms.

P.S:- I wrote this while waiting for my flight. Continental sucks, they don't have wifi in their Newark terminal.

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